Poultry Industry Overview, February 2004: Belarus
By the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service - This article provides the poultry industry data from the USDA FAS Poultry and Products report for Belarus. A link to the full report is also provided. The full report includes all the tabular data which we have ommited from this article.Report Highlights:
Growth in Belarussian poultry production remains strong thanks to solid consumer demand for affordable animal protein. Poultry production increased by about five percent in 2003 and is forecast to increase again in 2004 thanks to additional investment in the industry.
Economic Situation Overview
According to the State Statistics and Analysis Ministry, the Belarussian economy expanded by
6.8 percent in 2003. Combined industrial production and agricultural output also rose by 6.8
percent. The profit margin for industrial production was 12.5 percent, while fixed capital
investment grew 17.9 percent. Consumer goods production grew by 7.3 percent in 2003,
including a rise of 7.9 percent in output of food products.
According to Prime Minister Sergey Sidorsky, the Belarussian government program for 2004
will be more aggressive. He also stated that the government would focus on investment
policy and support for small and medium-sized businesses. The government expects that
investment in the Belarussian economy will reach 8.5 trillion rubles in 2004.
Poultry Production Increase
Belarussian poultry production continues to slowly increase since its low point in 1995.
According to Deputy General Director of Belptitseprom Lyubov Levenkova, Belarus produced
five percent more poultry meat in 2003 than in 2002. Broiler meat, over 90 percent of total
poultry production, spurred that growth with a little more than five percent overall growth.
(Belptitseprom is the largest poultry association in the country.
It accounts for 90 percent of
total Belarussian poultry production and is comprised of sixty poultry enterprises and two
compound-feed production plants.) This growth was attributed to efficient production
methods, the introduction of highly productive breeds, and enterprise reconstruction.
In 2004, plans are underway to implement investment projects at the Vitebsk Broiler Farm
and processing plant “Druzhba”. Industry investments are expected to reach five million
euros in 2004. Reconstruction is also ongoing at egg production facilities, the Minsk Poultry
Plant #1 and the Solingorsky Poultry Plant.
Further Information
To read the full report please click here
List of Articles in this series
Poultry and Products report highlights for Various Countries
Poultry and Products report for Indonesia
Poultry and Products report for the EU
Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service - 12th February 2004