Proceedings of the International Symposium on Avian Salmonellosis
The symposium was held in Rio do Janeiro in Brazil on 28 to 30 June 2011.For the full proceedings, click here or click on the titles of the papers below to see the individual papers.
Session 1: Objective and Challenges for Salmonella Prevention – Control and tools applied in a primary production
- Bacteriological Study of Avian Salmonellosis (S. pullorum, S.gallinarum, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium) in Latin America – Dr Horacio Terzolo
- Conclusions of the OIE Ad Hoc group on control and monitoring of Salmonella spp in poultry – Dr Angelo Berchieri
- The importance of digestive health and nutritional strategies to control Salmonella – Dr Filip Van Immerseel
- Management of pre-harvest and control measures: Importance and alternatives – Antonia Ricci
- Pathogenesis of egg contamination and risk factors for Salmonella transmission in laying hens – Dr Filip Van Immerseel
- Model of Salmonella live vaccine safety management programme – Dr Horacio Terzolo
- Model of Salmonella killed vaccine (bacterins) safety management programme – Dr Laura Villarreal
- Critical points and innovations in integrated pest control in poultry – Dr Margareth Dellatorre
- Basic premises for a monitoring and sampling plan program structure – Olga Vargas (Spanish only)
- Salmonella species of human health relevance (S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium): Prevention and control programmes – Dr Oscar de Jesús García Suárez
Session 2: Safety, Control Tools and Prevention in Production and Processing of Poultry Meat and Eggs
- Scientific and Technical Factors Affecting the Setting of Salmonella Criteria for Raw Poultry: A Global Perspective – Dr Geoffrey Mead
- Minimization of Salmonella Contamination on Raw Poultry and Feasibility of Implementation by Industry – Dr John Cason
- European perspective on methods to remove surface contamination from products of animal origin as a tool in the microbiological risk assessment – Dr Luppo Ellerbroek
- Using water washing systems evisceration lines of risk mitigation: Mechanism of action and physiological aspects, application criteria and regulatory aspects – Dr Roland Kranen
- Alternative technologies application for risk mitigation in the contamination of carcasses – Jackson McReynolds
- HACCP model in egg production and traceability methods and systems applied – Enrique Delgado Suárez
- Salmonella in poultry products: Challenges in food safety and requirements for international trade – Vladimir Pinheiro (Spanish only)
Session III: Diagnostics
- Using molecular biology in the diagnosis of Salmonella: Future prospects – Dr Antonia Ricci
- Current perspectives and failures in the diagnostic of Salmonella antigen: recognition of the importance of circulating serotypes, emerging and exotic – Dr Dalia dos Prazeres Rodrigues (Portuguese only)
Session IV: Epidemiology and Public Health
- Testing Poultry Meat for Salmonella: Making Test Results More Relevant to Risk – Dr John Cason
- Web tool programme of JEMRA: Risk assessment of Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry meat – Gregory Paoli
- Antimicrobial Resistance: PAHO Project for Latin America and Caribbean – Dr Pilar Donado
- Support and liability of IICA for structuring risk analysis programmes in Latin America and Caribbean – Dr Marcos Sánchez
- Coordination of dynamic and strategies between private and official sectors on prevention, control and/or eradication of poultry diseases in Central America with emphasis on Avian Salmonellosis – Dr Ernesto Calderón Monterrosa
- Application of molecular methods for Salmonella tracking and its application for epidemiologic investigation on poultry chain and traceback in humans outbreaks – Dr George Tice
- Epidemiological investigation of salmonelosis in humans cases and outbreaks and the importance of the food chain integrated database – Dr Antonio Carlos Campos Pignatari
- Epidemiologic trends of the prevalence serovars in poultry production chain and database strains model applied in Brazil – Dr Josinete Freitas
- Profile cases of human Salmonellosis in Brazil – Dr Greice Madelaine
- Prevalence of Salmonella spp. and antimicrobial resistance of isolates in frozen chicken carcasses at retail in Brazil 2004 to 2006 – Dr Marcelo Augusto Nunes Medeiros