The Challenges Facing Turkey Growers
By G.T. Tabler, Poultry Science Department at the University of Arkansas's Avian Advice - The increasing urban expansion into rural areas creates numerous challenges for livestock producers to various types of farming operations. A strong livestock industry is essential to the nation’s economic stability, the viability of many small rural communities, and the sustainability of a healthful, plentiful and high quality food supply for the American public.Introduction
Arkansas turkey growers produced 29.5 million turkeys in 2002 ( USDA, 2003), making the state third in turkey production behind North Carolina and Minnesota. As any grower can verify, raising commercial turkeys is no easy task. In comparison to broiler chickens, turkeys are extremely difficult to start, the brooding period is a much more stressful time for both poult and grower, and turkeys remain on the farm for a much longer period increasing the likelihood that something may go wrong before the flock sells. Let’s look at some of the challenges faced by Arkansas turkey growers and how to meet these challenges.
Summertime Temperatures
Turkeys are generally most comfortable when temperatures range from 70-79° F (Anonymous,
2003). Feed intake and growth may be affected as temperatures rise above 80° F and
temperatures exceeding 90° F, can result in heat exhaustion or heat prostration. High temperatures
are particularly stressful when coupled with high humidity levels.
Heat stress is always a concern of Arkansas turkey producers during summer months and
can produce significant losses if growers are not properly prepared. Several factors affect heat
production and the turkey’s ability to deal with heat. The digestion of food, the growth process
and bird activity all create heat, which the turkey must dissipate (Nixey, ND). As the temperature
increases, feed consumption decreases and turkeys begin to pant which negatively affects
the performance and profitability of the flock.
A turkey’s first objective is simply to stay alive. Turkeys are warm-blooded and must
maintain a relatively uniform body temperature of 105-107°F over a wide range of environmental
conditions. If heat produced by the bird is greater than heat that is lost, the bird’s body
temperature rises; if it rises 9-11°F and reaches 116° F the turkey dies from heat prostration.
Several methods exist for the turkey to lose heat (Cereno, 1998):
- Radiation - body surface temperature is cooler than air surrounding it
- Conduction - bird comes in contact with and loses heat to a cooler surface (litter)
- Convection - cool air contacting body surface is warmed and rises, carrying away heat
- Water vaporization - a bird’s nasal cavity is a heat exchanger and helps rid the body of excess heat through evaporative cooling
- Fecal excretion
- Egg production
How efficiently turkeys can lose heat will depend on air temperature, humidity, air
movement over the bird, and stocking density. Turkeys pant to increase the rate of heat loss by
evaporative cooling. However, older, heavier birds produce more internal heat and are less able
to cool themselves through convection and evaporation. The extra weight might be why higher
temperatures are more stressful on toms than hens (Anonymous, 2003). Also, be aware that
birds suffering respiratory problems will have a reduced ability to cool themselves through
panting. In addition, the more birds in the house, the more heat they generate and they will tend
to absorb each other’s radiant heat load.
Air movement (ventilation) is critical if turkeys are to
survive summer conditions. Maximize natural ventilation by
keeping grass and weeds cut around buildings. Do not park
tractors or equipment alongside houses as this restricts air
movement through the buildings. You are better off with grass
around your houses to absorb heat (if you keep it cut) instead
of bare ground because bare ground will reflect heat back into
the houses. Make sure your fans are properly maintained.
Keep blades, shutters and safety grills free of dirt and debris.
Change fan belts at least once per year. Worn or loose belts
can reduce fan efficiency by 20-30 %. Turn fan thermostats
down low enough that the fans will run late enough after
sundown to give the birds a chance to cool off. Flush water
lines regularly to provide cool water to the turkeys; cool water
allows the turkey to transfer body heat to the water they drink.
If you have a generator, make sure it is maintained and ready
in event of a power failure. If you don’t have a generator,
seriously consider purchasing one. They are a somewhat
expensive investment if the power stays on, but a generator
can pay for itself in one afternoon if the power goes off for an
extended period.
Some growers supplement the drinking water with
vitamins and electrolytes to reduce heat stress. Vitamins in the
water are a good way to insure turkeys are getting what they
need during hot weather when feed intake may be reduced.
Electrolytes help maintain adequate blood pH which becomes
elevated when turkeys pant for extended periods. Always talk
to your service technician before starting any supplementation
program since they know what works and what doesn’t.
Turkeys normally decrease their activity level and stay away
from feeder pans to avoid creating additional internal body
heat when the weather is hot. Thus, keeping birds as quiet as
possible during the heat of the day and considering an intermittent
lighting program to encourage nighttime feeding may
help. However, turkeys must be offered a period of complete
darkness because it is during this time that the tibia (leg bone)
grows at its optimal rate (Monk, 1998). Sprinkling turkeys
with water can help fight heat stress when temperatures exceed
80-85°F. However, the amount of water used will vary greatly
with condition of the house and the birds and producers should
avoid using too much water since it can increase humidity to
dangerous levels. Again, consult your service technician
before changing your lighting program or starting a sprinkling
Pathogen Load
Management programs that will allow turkeys to
perform to their genetic potential should be the goal of all
producers. Obviously, pathogens can reduce turkey performance
and should be controlled. Unfortunately, with the
technologies currently available to the industry, complete
eradication of the pathogen load in live production is not
possible. We can, however, make every attempt to reduce the
microbial population through Best Management Practices that
include a strict biosecurity program.
Be aware of comings and goings on your farm and make
it a rule that no one gets on your farm who doesn’t belong.
Feed truck drivers and technical service personnel must have
access, but after these folks are accounted for, the list becomes
extremely short. Friends, neighbors or other visitors have no
vital purpose around your operation and should be excluded.
It is up to you to enforce this. You may politely make visitors
aware that it is not that you are antisocial, but you have
thousand dollars and many hours of “sweat equity” invested in
your operation and you cannot afford to have a disease
challenge on your farm. Each farm has its own unique
microbial population that the turkeys “become accustomed to,”
but visitors tend to introduce organisms that are not common
to your operation and lead to production or disease troubles.
You must minimize traffic flow on your farm, the risk is
simply too great to do otherwise. Therefore, take necessary
steps to ensure that the only visitors to your farm have a good
reason to be there.
The live production process in the turkey industry is a
combination of management practices, bird health, the
nutrition program and the unique farm environment (Figure 1).
Nutrition, like management, must be focused on insuring that
the turkey can perform to its genetic potential. Proper bone
development is vital in insuring that turkeys achieve their full
genetic potential. Any factor that negatively influences bone
development will result in stress when the turkey attempts to
walk, leading to decreased activity, reduced feed intake, and
diminished growth rates (Monk, 1998).
The farm environment directly impacts bird performance.
A favorable environment optimizes growth and
strengthens the bird’s ability to resist disease. The environment
also influences the microbial population unique to each
farm. Published research has demonstrated that birds in
“clean” environments grew 15% better than those in dirty
environments (Fernandez, 1998a). If bird health is compromised,
the turkey will likely never reach its genetic potential
regardless of your management program. Fernandez (1998b)
indicated a vector control program and a clean water supply
are also critical to reducing pathogen loads.
Effective rodent control programs involve a rational,
systematic baiting procedure, preventive facilities management
and constant monitoring. Rodents are often vectors that
transmit disease organisms from one flock to the next. Even if
facilities are cleaned and disinfected, the presence of rodents
can jeopardize sanitation efforts. Darkling beetles are another
vector which has been implicated in many poultry diseases.
Beetles have been found to be a source of transmission for
Salmonella, Marek’s Disease, E. coli, Infectious Bursal
Disease, Newcastle Disease, Clostridium and numerous other
diseases (Watkins, 2001). Approved insecticides are available
for use after house cleanout for beetle control.
The role of water is certainly underestimated in both
turkey and broiler production. High quality drinking water is
critical for a healthy environment in both turkey and broiler
facilities. Fernandez (1998b) indicated that 45 of 95 (47%) of
untreated water samples from various turkey farms were
contaminated with bacteria. The most common bacteria found
were Pseudomonas, followed by E. coli. Bordetella (which
causes turkey coryza). Bordetella has also been isolated from
the inside of nipple drinkers and from the rubber seal in the
water line regulator in houses with Bordetella-positive turkey
flocks (Watkins, 2002). Thus, it is important to reduce the
microbial load in the water system by treat water lines during
house cleanout, and sanitizing watering equipment during
house preparation (Fernandez, 1998b).
Other Challenges
Pathogen load and heat stress are only two of numerous
challenges faced by Arkansas turkey growers. Producers must
also be alert for coccidiosis which causes economic loss
through poor performance and secondary infections. Coccidiosis
in turkeys is difficult to diagnose compared to chickens
since , in turkeys, visible lesions are rarely seen and an
accurate diagnosis requires the use of a microscope. Clinical
signs include, weight loss, decreased rate of gain, listlessness,
and loose droppings (possibly with blood or mucus), but these
are the same symptoms that a variety of other diseases or
ailments may exhibit.
The proper house environment during winter is also a
major challenge. Houses are usually closed tightly and
ventilation is at a minimum during cold weather to conserve
fuel. Be aware, however, that adequate ventilation is necessary
to guarantee sufficient air exchange, provide needed
oxygen, and prevent carbon dioxide (CO2) buildup in the
house. Carbon dioxide levels are always a concern in turkey
production facilities. In research trials, seven times the
normal level of CO2 did not significantly affect livability at 14
days, but average body weights were up to
15% poorer in non-ventilated houses
(Fernandez, 1998b). Equally important was
the deterioration of bird uniformity that
accompanied the depression in weight.
Proper winter ventilation is critical if the
flock is to perform up to its genetic potential.
Turkey growers must be constantly
vigilant of conditions within the turkey
house. High summertime temperatures are
always a threat, especially when accompanied
with dangerous humidity levels.
Significant costs in lost performance and/or
mortality can be expected if measures are
not taken to reduce heat stress. Proper winter
ventilation is also important to provide an
environment that will allow the turkey to
perform at its best. Steps must also be taken
to control the pathogen load in turkey
production facilities. Practice stringent
biosecurity and do not allow anyone on your farm unless they
have a reason to be there. Monitor bird health and contact
your service technician at the first sign of a possible disease
outbreak. Turkey production requires that numerous challenges
be met along the way to producing a healthy, profitable
flock. To be successful, Arkansas turkey producers must meet
and overcome these challenges on a daily basis.
Anonymous. 2003. Heat stress can be managed. Available
Managingheatstress.html. Accessed March, 2003.
Cereno, T. 1998. Growers have to help turkeys cope
with high temperatures. The Feather File. Cuddy Farms.
Summer 1998.
Fernandez, D. 1998a. Production performance optimized
by reducing pathogen load. The Feather File. Cuddy Farms.
Summer 1998.
Fernandez, D. 1998b. Reducing pathogen load optimizes
turkeys’ production performance. The Feather File. Fall 1998.
Monk, J. Nutritional, management factors can interfere
with development. The Feather File. Cuddy Farms. Fall 1998.
Nixey, C. No Date. Optimising performance in the
summer. Available at:
resources/buta-pubs.htm. Accessed March, 2003.
USDA. 2003. Poultry production and value, 2002
Summary. USDA National Agricultural Statistics, Pou 3-1
Watkins, S. E. 2001. Improving darkling beetle control
in poultry facilities. Avian Advice 3(1):14-15.
Watkins, S. E. 2002. The campaign for quality drinking
water continues. Avian Advice 4(3):7-9.
Source: Avian Advice - Spring 2004 - Volume 6, Number 1