Feds allocate $13.7 million for bird flu efforts
WASHINGTON - The National Chicken Council (NCC) welcomed the news today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will devote $13.7 million to avian influenza eradication, including funding for a new national program.
"The chicken industry welcomes Secretary Veneman's announcement that $13.7
million will be devoted to avian influenza, including $10.8 million to develop
a national program to control and prevent outbreaks of the disease," said NCC
President George Watts. "The National Chicken Council has strongly supported
USDA's initiative to develop a program in this area, and we are pleased to see
the funding come through," he said.
The USDA program will address the need for biosecurity in the live bird
market system as well as the commercial industry, according to the USDA
announcement. Outbreaks of avian influenza in Delaware and Texas earlier this
year were linked to live bird markets in New York and Houston, respectively.
"The commercial industry is eager to work with the government to implement
the program and reduce the threat of future outbreaks," Watts said. This
year's outbreaks led more than 50 countries to impose restrictions or bans on
poultry imports from the United States, many of which are still in place.
The National Chicken Council represents integrated chicken producer-
processors, the companies that produce, process and market chickens. Member
companies of NCC account for approximately 95 percent of the chicken sold in
the United States.
Source: PRNewswire - 12th May 2004