New millet varieties as a poultry feed ingredient
AUSTRALIA - The demand for cereals as protein and energy sources for stock feed and human consumption is forecast to increase dramatically with consequent increases in their prices expected. It is therefore essential that research be undertaken to find alternative feed sources for the chicken meat industry in order to reduce the cost of feed and maintain an internationally competitive chicken meat industry.The use of non-conventional feed ingredients will decrease the dependence of the poultry industry on cereal grains such as wheat and sorghum.
Pearl millet has been identified as a suitable alternative crop to sorghum in low rainfall and sandy areas in Queensland. In the United States of America, pearl millet is identified as being the new feed grain. The potential benefits from the application of existing knowledge and from further research on pearl millet are substantial for this feed grain crop in warm-temperate agriculture. New pearl millet hybrids now being developed in Australia have never been evaluated as a grain for poultry.