Russian Cabinet fixes 2005 Pork, Beef, Poultry Meat import quota's
RUSSIA – The Russian government has approved the quotas for pork, beef, poultry meat imports in 2005. Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov has inked the resolution, the government press service reported on Tuesday.
Under it, this year Russia can import 467,400 tonnes of pork, including 236,000 tonnes from countries of the European Union; 53,800 tonnes from the United States; 1,000 from Paraguay; 176,600 tonnes from other countries.
Importers may bring in 430,000 tonnes of frozen beef, including 339,700 tonnes from countries of the European Union; 17,700 tonnes from the United States; 3,000 from Paraguay; 69,600 tonnes from other countries.
The fixed quota for refrigerated meat is 27,500 tonnes, 27,000 of which will come from the European Union.
The meat import quotas are somewhat higher than last year, although the actual 2004 meat quotas were less than fixed, Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref said. Thus, pork imports have been increased to 467,400 tonnes from 450,000 tonnes, frozen beef import quotas to 430,000 from 420,000 tonnes.
Russia plans to preserve meat import quotas until 2009, German Gref said earlier. To him, the WTO main partners in trade have agreed to preserve meat quotas and the possible continuation of making quotas. This measure was adopted in 2003 to support Russian producers. However, 2004 shows that it has been a success with regard to the production of poultry meat but simultaneously led to the growth of prices for beef and pork.
Overall, the production of meat in Russia has increased by 25 percent in the last two years, Gref said.
As regards poultry meat, the import quota for 2005 is 1,050,000 tonnes; the United States' being 771.900 tonnes; the European Union's 205,000 tonnes; Paraguay's 5,000 tonnes; other states' 68,100 tonnes.
Source: RI Novosti - 11th January 2005