Monthly US Turkey Hatchery Report
US - Turkey eggs in incubators down 6%, report the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
Eggs in Incubators on February 1 Down 6 Percent
Turkey eggs in incubators on February 1, 2005, in the United States totaled 27.1 million, 6 percent
below February 1 a year ago. Eggs in incubators were 3 percent below the January 1, 2005 total of
28.0 million eggs.
Regional changes from the previous year were: East North Central up 8 percent,
West North Central down 13 percent, North and South Atlantic up slightly , South Central down
10 percent, and West down 14 percent.
Poults Placed During January Down 6 Percent From Last Year
The 21.9 million poults placed during January 2005 in the United States were down 6 percent from
the number placed during the same month a year ago. Placements were down 1 percent from
December 2004.
Regional changes from the previous year were: East North Central down
1 percent, West North Central down 4 percent, North and South Atlantic down 11 percent, South
Central down 16 percent, and West up 7 percent.

To view the full report, including tables, please click here (PDF Format)
Source: USDA NASS - Turkey Hatchery Report - 14th February 2005