Gold-plating killing small abattoirs
UK - The Forum of Private Business, which represents 25,000 UK small to medium sized firms, is taking its campaign to save small abattoirs to Brussels today.
NPA is active on members' behalf in Brussels & Whitehall, and with processors, supermarkets & caterers - fighting for the growth and pros-perity of the UK pig industry. |
It says the government's interpretation of European Commission regulations governing abattoirs is too stringent for small abattoirs to comply with economically.
FPB's food spokesman Bob Salmon, who is leading the delegation of abattoir owners to Brussels, said he wanted the EC to give greater clarity and definition to the complex wording of its abattoir regulations.
"Small abattoirs are in great peril because of the Food Standards Agency's inflexible interpretation of the EC's regulations,' he said. "In particular the FSA is imposing tough rulings on building modifications which small businesses simply cannot afford. Figures seen by the FPB indicate that some 37 percent of the remaining small red meat abattoirs in England are now at risk of closure and 16 per centare at high risk. If these were to close the knock-on effect on other businesses would be devastating."
Source: National Pig Association - 18th April 2005