Newcastle Disease in Greece

GREECE - This report via OIE discusses the recent Newcastle Disease outbreak in Greece.
calendar icon 8 April 2005
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Newcastle Disease in Greece - GREECE - This report via OIE discusses the recent Newcastle Disease outbreak in Greece.

See also: 29 April 2005, 18 February 2005, 21 January 2005, 14 January 2005

(Date of previous outbreak of Newcastle disease in Greece reported to the OIE: December 2004).

Immediate notification report

Information received on 6 April 2005 from Dr Vasilios Stylas, Head, Animal Health Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Athens:

Report date: 6 April 2005.

Reason for immediate notification: re-occurrence of a listed disease in a country or zone/compartment following a report declaring the outbreak(s) ended.

Date of first confirmation of the event: 5 April 2005.

Date of start of the event: 8 March 2005.

Nature of diagnosis: clinical, post-mortem and laboratory.

Details of outbreak:

First administrative divisionLower administrative divisionType of epidemio-logical unitName of the locationLatitudeLongitude
Central MacedoniaKilkisfarmvillage of Leventochori*40º 57' 02'' N22º 49' 47'' E

* 10 km from the town of Kilkis

Date of start of the outbreakSpeciesNumber of animals in the outbreak
8 March 2005avi35,000...3,88031,1200

Description of affected population: chickens of various ages.


Laboratory where diagnosis was madeDiagnostic tests usedDateResults
VLA Weybridge, United Kingdom (OIE Reference Laboratory for Newcastle disease).

- virus isolation in embryonated fowl eggs;

- haemagglutination test;

- haemagglutination inhibition test;

- intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) test (1.625).

5 April 2005positive

Source of outbreak: unknown or inconclusive.

Control measure undertaken:

- stamping out;

- zoning;

- disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s).

Vaccination prohibited: no.

Other details/comments:

- The infected farm consists of five houses located on private land. At the time of the suspicion, four of them were fully stocked with chickens and one house was empty.

- There are a few other farms in the area but all are more than 10 km from the infected farm. All of these farms are vaccinated against Newcastle disease. Strict surveillance has now been carried out on these farms for nearly one month but no clinical signs of Newcastle disease have been detected.

Source: Office International des Epizooties - 8th April 2005
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