Eggs galore, but not a chicken in sight
US - Bill Taylor, a former poultry farmer has found a large niche in pre-shelled eggs. Chances are, you've eaten his yolks.Had a store-bought cake lately? Eaten a fast-food egg sandwich? Enjoyed breakfast at a state prison? Then you've probably tried some of Bill Taylor's merchandise.
For more than 30 years the former poultry farmer has been dealing in eggs, although there's not a chicken in sight on his Madbury farm.
Taylor sells "egg products," the industry term for what's inside the shell. Every day Taylor, his 15 employees and some high-tech machines wash and crack 360,000 eggs. The yolks and whites are funneled through a pasteurizing machine, then spewed into plastic bags and buckets for sale.
It's how one-third of eggs in this country are sold, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.