Sources other than chickens important in human campylobacteriosis
UK - Sources other than chickens may be important in human campylobacteriosis. According to recently published research in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, "The goal of the present study was to assess the contribution of real-time molecular typing, used alone or with clinical surveillance, to the prompt identification of clusters of Campylobacter enteritis."Potential poultry sources were sought by comparing the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes of human and fresh whole retail chicken isolates collected during the same study period."
"Among 183 human isolates, 82 (45%) had unique genotypes, 72 (39%) represented 26 clusters of 2 to 7 isolates each, and 29 (16%) represented three clusters of 8 to 11 isolates each.
"Among 177 chickens," continued the authors, "41 (23%) yielded Campylobacter isolates; of these, 19 (46%) had genotypes similar to those of 41 (22%) human isolates.