Newcastle disease highly suspected in France
FRANCE - This is the latest report from OIE on the highly suspected outbreak of Newcastle Disease in France.
(Date of previous outbreak of Newcastle disease in France reported to the OIE: December 1999).
Translation of information received on 19 July 2005 from Dr Monique Eloit, Deputy Director General, General Directorate for Food (DGAL), Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs, Paris:
Report date: 19 July 2005.
An outbreak of Newcastle disease is highly suspected in a farm at St-Mars-de-Coutais, Loire-Atlantique department, Pays-de-la-Loire region (in the western part of the country).
The farm contains approximately 35,000 partridges and 20,000 pheasants.
On 19 July 2005, 20 pheasants showed positive serological results for Newcastle disease, associated with mild clinical signs. Virological tests are being carried out; their results should be available by 21 July 2005 at the earliest.
Source of outbreak or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive (contact with wild animals?).
Control measures
A. Undertaken: quarantine.
B. To be undertaken: preventive stamping out.
Other details/comments:
- The affected farm is located in two different sites.
- No birds have left the affected farm since 1 June 2005, with the exception of one shipment to England on 22 June.
- The affected farm is epidemiologically linked to the farm in Surrey, United Kingdom which was declared infected with Newcastle disease on 15 July 2005.
Source: Office International des Epizooties - 21st July 2005