International Egg and Poultry Review
By the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service - This is a weekly report looking at international developments concerning the poultry industry, this week looking at the poultry market in Indonesia.Indonesia Poultry Update
Overall broiler population for 2006 is expected to be consistent with
2005 at about 840 million head. Broiler meat production for 2006 is
expected to increase due to consumers preferring a bird with a larger
average live weight. Broiler population for 2007 is forecast to increase
5 percent.
Poultry consumption in Indonesia is expected to increase 5 percent
in 2007. Consumer confidence in chicken has come back. There is
a reported increase in restaurants serving chicken in urban areas.
Broiler meat consumption for 2006 is estimated at 688,000 tons or
3.1 kg/capita/year. The further development of further processed
poultry products has helped in increasing consumer demand.
AI in Indonesia is endemic. AI was first reported the country in late
2003 and since then has been reported in twenty-nine of its thirtythree
provinces. Effective control of the disease has been hindered
by lack of consistent reporting, lack of enforcement of animal
movement controls and bio-security measures, and the sophistication
to implement strict bio-security measures. One of the biggest
problems is people that are hesitant to report outbreaks promptly.
Indonesia is currently the country with the highest reported number
of human deaths from AI. Even with 48 deaths linked to AI in the
country consumer awareness and knowledge are still very low.
The ban on imported chicken parts implemented in 2000 is still in
effect. As a result poultry meat imports from the U.S. dropped sharply
and most imported poultry products came from Singapore. Turkey
and ducks are the potential imported poultry from the U.S. along with
processed poultry-based products. Poultry exports from Indonesia
to Japan, although small in the past, were reduced to zero due to a
Japanese ban due to AI.
Even though Indonesia still faces many problems due to AI, a few
poultry businesses continue to expand feed meal production and
breeding farm investment in anticipation of future growth in consumer
poultry production. Local analysts estimate that 60 percent of the
estimated 11-12 million ton capacity of the feed milling industry is
currently being utilized.
In an attempt to increase efforts to fight AI in Indonesia the Indonesian
government has announced a plan to vaccinate about 300 million
poultry. The vaccinations are scheduled to begin next month. The
government plans to have 60 million poultry vaccinated by December.
The plan to vaccinate comes as the Indonesian government finds
itself in the middle of harsh criticism that not enough is being done
to prevent the spread of AI in Indonesia.
Indonesia has also announced that it will expand the culling of
backyard poultry. The country also announced that it is rolling out a
widespread public awareness campaign about AI on television and
radio stations.
Source: USDA/FAS/Various News Wires
To view the full report, including tables please click here (PDF Format)
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