China Broiler Weekly
CHINA - In this weeks China Broiler Weekly, eFeedlink report that prices continued to rise in most regions on higher demand.
Market analysis
AA broiler
Spill-over effect of rising hog prices and expectations of relatively low supplies in the short term helped to lift AA broiler prices in the past week. High feed prices as well as increased expenses on fuel and animal health products in winter also prompted sellers to seek higher prices.
Favourable weather in Henan province led more local farmers to release their supplies, which caused prices there to fall marginally.
China breed broiler
In Guangdong and Guangxi, broiler deliveries to locations within or to other provinces continued smoothly through the week. With strong demand amid lower supplies, farmers were holding out in anticipation of more gains. Prices of slow growth (110 days) broilers surged on severe supply shortfall.
Market forecast
As demand continues to outstrip supply, prices are seen to make more gains in the week ahead.

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