New director of world marketing at Cobb

GLOBAL - Brian Cosgriff, who has been general manager for Cobb Europe for more than three years, has been appointed to the new position of director of world marketing.
calendar icon 3 January 2007
clock icon 2 minute read

He has over 20 years' experience of sales and business development in international markets including senior positions with SmithKline Beecham Animal Health and Embrex.

"As Cobb moves forward, the need for multiple products alongside the Cobb 500 and the ability to address the business needs of our customers in a variety of markets will be critical," says Jerry Moye, who takes over as the new world president of Cobb in January. "Our marketing team will be the co-ordinator of our strategic planning for product development."

The team will include Cobb marketing manager Clark Baird, product research manager Pete Sbanotto and the regional product managers Jay Hughes in the USA, Rodrigo Terra in Brazil and John Vincent in Europe.

Mr Cosgriff, who obtained a BSc at Christchurch University in New Zealand and began his career there, has worked in Australia, North America and Europe in a career majoring on the animal health and poultry industries.

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