UK - Imagine producing the perfect egg time after time after time. See the uunblemished white and brown and a shell as smooth as marble; plump at the base, perfectly rounded at the top and when you sink your knife across it you know the yoke will break like sunrise.
calendar icon 12 March 2007
clock icon 3 minute read
Now, with the announced release of Optimum Egg Quality: A Practical Approach, the perfect egg is one step closer to the egg cup.

Every commercial egg producer knows the importance of reducing low-quality egg service. The problem results in a substantial loss of industry efficiency. Worse still; when poor quality eggs slip through to the consumer, confidence is lost. It's only a matter of time before demand too, evaporates. This handbook has drawn together the essential information on egg production and egg control for all those involved in the industry: industry suppliers, food handling, preparing and processing industries, poultry fanciers, home egg producers, and students and teachers of poultry management.

There's simply no need for such high quantities of wastage.The egg production industry tends to view defects as inevitable, or, at least, an extremely challenging problem to solve, but more and more they are realising just how beneficial egg management can really be. This book will be invaluable to these people.

It's structured in a simple flowing form, providing a detailed overview of egg formation, management and quality control with graphs, diagrams and tables to aid the explanations. Yet it is also easily navigated for quick reference to specific defects. Information on symptoms, cause and control are given alongside a photograph of the inflicted egg.

More information

What's more... this book is not only avaiable to buy, but it is also available to be viewed online on, the global online poultry industry website.

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