Stavropol Broiler 12 percent rise in production
RUSSIA - Russian poultry producer Stavropol Broiler (affiliated to Agros group) announced its preliminary results for the year 2006."Despite the drop in poultry sales, due to the concerns over avain flu, we have not only completed our annual plan but also kept our market share".
"Besides we have significantly increased chilled meet sales (by 33%)", said Michael Dokoukin, director general of Stavropol Broiler.
"We are approaching our strategic aim – to produce 80,000 tons of poultry annually by 2010. We are planning to increase our sales by 18% in 2007 and by 11% in 2009-2010".
In order to achieve these results Stravropol Broiler said it will continue to implement its $115 million investment program, which provides for the reconstruction of manufacturing facilities.
In 2006, the company channeled $7 million into modernization process and envisages to invest additional $28 million in 2007.