Bernard Matthews re-employs workers

UK - Poultry giant Bernard Matthews which temporarily laid off about 270 workers after a bird flu outbreak, is taking on 32 employees, it has been announced.
calendar icon 13 April 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
Bernard Matthews has seen an improvement in sales

The food producer said the number was set to rise to more than 100 in the coming weeks after a sales improvement.

Avian flu was found at the site in Holton, Suffolk, on 3 February and 2,600 turkeys died - a further 159,000 birds were culled.

Restrictions on the movement of poultry in the area were lifted in March.

A spokesman for the firm said: "Bernard Matthews is dedicated to doing everything possible to restore consumer confidence further and re-engage all laid-off employees as quickly as possible."

Source: BBC News

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