Grant To Grow Poultry Firm
UK - In a culmination of six months work putting together a public-private partnership between Dorchester County and Allen Family Foods Inc., the County Council last week formally approved receipt of $1.7 million in federal grant money to support expansion of the poultry processing facility in Hurlock."The county has never done a project like this before," said county attorney E. Thomas Merryweather. He advised council the grant agreements hold the county responsible for proper use of the funds. "The county has to ensure that Allen complies with terms of the grant," he said. There will be "full blown audits" of the grant in 2009 and 2010, he added.
The Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development awarded the federal community development block grant money on the premise that Allen Family Foods would use it to expand the Hurlock facility and provide a target of 200 new jobs.
"They are now at 170 new jobs," Mr. Merryweather said, "so we can feel somewhat comfortable." Nevertheless, he said, "this grant will take a lot of staff time and careful monitoring."