AACT: Pitt Hides Beneath Shell of Deceit

AUSTRALIA - Claims made in defence of a battery hen farm, which is at the centre of Salmonella outbreak and allegations of animal cruelty, have been branded as untrue and delusional by opponent Shane Dalgleish, Spokesperson for Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania (AACT).
calendar icon 14 March 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

Pitts Poultry has been named by the government as the source of the most recent Salmonella outbreak in Tasmania which resulted in many people requiring hospitalisation. This is the seventh outbreak of Salmonella that has been linked to Mr Pitt’s battery hen farm in the last couple of years.

Mr Pitt is currently facing court on multiple animal cruelty charges initiated by the RSPCA arising from an inspection in June 2007 and is now potentially faces prosecution again as a result of video footage taken this February.

Shane Dalgleish said:

Mr Pitt’s pathetic attempt to respond to the most recent evidence of animal cruelty at his farm would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. Aside from the horrendous footage taken for the second time in a matter of 10 months, Mr Pitt would have us believe that he ‘loves his animals’ but he just neglects to feed them for four days.

The reality is that we have evidence of animal cruelty at Mr Pitt’s farm which has now been provided to Minister Llewellyn and Mr Alex Schaap of DPIW, both have which have clearly and repeatedly stated that the images contained within the footage would not be acceptable under the Animal Welfare Act 1993.

For Mr Pitt to say that the footage has been edited and contains images not from his farm is ludicrous. We have no other reason for our actions other than to stop animals suffering and Mr Pitt knows that. However, we would like to extend the opportunity to Mr Pitt to publicly identify the images contained within the footage that are from his farm and we will be screening the footage outside Parliament House tomorrow (Tuesday 10th March) at 11am. With Mr Pitt’s cooperation we may be able to get to ‘the bottom of the problem’ as does Mr Pitt.

Further Reading

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