A Week of Emu's in Wisconsin

US - This week marked the beginning of Emu week in Wisconsin, home to a surprisingly large emu population, announced the Wisconsin Radio Network today.
calendar icon 6 May 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

First thing's first. What is the correct pronunciation of the big bird? Joylene Reavis, says it's not E-moo.

"It actually is pronounced 'e-myoo' even though people from the Deep South tend to call them an 'ehm-yoo.'"

Reavis is President of the Wisconsin Emu Association. She says the five-foot tall bird is a cousin to the ostrich, originally from Australia. Reavis says emu farming is a growing industry in the Badger State. Several people got into it years ago when it was an expensive exotic market.

"The people who are in it now are the ones who are building this industry. We're working toward having more products and informing the public about the health aspects of the meat."

View the Wisconsin Radio Network story by clicking here.
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