AVEC General Assembly Looks at Competitiveness
POLAND - Competitiveness in a fast changing world will be the theme of the general assembly of AVEC, the European poultry industry organisation, in October.The general assembly will be hosted by the Polish member organisation - KRD (Kradjowa Rada Drobiarstwa) - and will be held in Krakow on 3-5 October 2008.
The speakers will be:
- Paul-Heinz Wesjohann, President of a.v.e.c.
- Minister of Agriculture - to be confirmed
- Janusz Wojciechowsky, member of the European Parliament
- Paul Lopez, Director of Volailles de Keranna, Group Glon Volailles
- Dr Peter van den Elzen, Wageningen UR, Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Group
- Nan-Dirk Mulder, Poultry Specialist Rabobank International