Failed Inspection at Volgograd Poultry Plant
RUSSIA - One poultry plant in in the Volgograd region has failed an inspection in the feed mill.Experts in the field of surveillance for grain quality and safety in co-operation with experts of Regional Office of Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) for the Volgograd Region and Veterinary Directorate for the Administration of the Volgograd Region have carried out grain safety inspections of four poultry plants.
The four plants were OOO 'Fregat Yug' Karpovskaya Poultry Plant Joint Venture; Joint Venture Sarpinskaya Poultry Plant; ZAO 'Volzhskaya Poultry Plant'; and KKhK ZAO 'Krasnodonskoye'.
At KKhK ZAO 'Krasnodonskoye', experts revealed violations of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 29-FZ regarding 'Quality and safety of food products' and Sanitary Regulations and Standards 'Hygienic requirements of safety and nutrition value of food products'.
The inspection revealed that the reception of grains for feed manufacture was carried out without safety test reports.
The protocol on administrative offence on Article 2.18 of Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation has been filed on the revealed violations.