Another Three Chick Transporters for Al Bayad
SAUDI ARABIA - Confidence in One-O-Four results in another three HatchTravellers for Al bayad.Many hatcheries and transportation companies are aware that perfect climate control during transport is the key factor for delivering good quality chicks.
At EuroTier 2008, One-O-Four showed the best concept for maintaining chick quality during transport and transporting meanwhile more day-old chicks, up to 180,000. Al bayad knew already that One-O-Four has the best concept and showed its confidence by signing a contract for another three HatchTravellers at EuroTier 2008.
Al bayad was established in 2007 and is a company providing Hisex layer chicks. After the success of the three HatchTravellers in operation, Al bayad has purchased another three systems to fulfil market demands of Saudi Arabia and other GCC States.
The HatchTraveller maintains chick quality because it is divided into individual sections for climate control. The pressure differences guarantee uniform airflow through the radiators and the chick baskets. Fresh air is provided to supply the required oxygen level. The HatchTraveller is equipped with special tools to maintain the chick quality during transport. It has no limitations for distances and extreme climate conditions.
One-O-Four Superior Chick Transport is the official license holder of the patented HatchTech Incubation Technology for chick transport.