Announcement of 8th Avian French Research Days
FRANCE - 8th Avian French Research Days (8èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole) will be held on 25 and 26 March 2009 in St Malo.Researchers and professionals in poultry science will meet at Journées de la Recherche Avicole (JRA) on 25-26 March 2009 at St Malo in Brittany. This French congress is organized by ITAVI, INRA and AFSSA, with support of the French branches of the WPSA and the WVPA.
For this 8th edition of JRA, a simultaneous translation (French into English) will be available for foreign participants in plenary sessions and workshop 'Raw materials, feed and nutrition'.
All themes of poultry science will be covered including:
- economics and prospects
- raw materials, nutrition and feeding
- rearing systems and their sustainability
- pathology and disease prevention
- product safety and quality, and
- genetics, selection and reproduction.
Each session will be introduced by an overview, allowing a review of current issues in poultry industry. The overviews will be followed by short communications. Workshops will be organized, allowing 60 authors to explain briefly the objectives and conclusions of their study, and to allow discussions and debates. Posters will be exposed and consulted by the participants at break time. All slides and posters will be in French.
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