New Feed Rules Get Green Light from MEPs

EU - The European Parliament has given the green light to new rules on ingredients and labelling of animal feed. It is likely the new rules will come into force next year.
calendar icon 11 February 2009
clock icon 3 minute read

The way existing rules on the declaration of the raw materials in mixed, compound feed for food producing animals have evolved, has led to an unsatisfactory situation for both feed producers and users, says Brussels.

For example, at the moment, all feed materials used in a compound feed have to be labelled as a percentage of total weight, but with a tolerated margin of error of plus or minus 15 per cent.

The new rules increase accuracy of the indication of feed materials incorporated in compound feed by requiring the indication to be made in exact descending order of weight.

Brussels says the overhauling of animal feed rules will reduce red-tape for feed operators by removing unnecessary administrative burdens and technical requirements, which are no longer necessary since Europe introduced integrated farm to fork food safety.

Pre-market authorisations are to be made proportionate to risks and will no longer be based on predefined feed groups.

The proposed regulation sets out general provisions for the labelling of all feed, such as the need to indicate the type of feed, the name and address of the operator, the list of feed additives and the net weight.

Specific mandatory labelling requirements are laid down for feed materials, compound feed (including pet food) and "dietetic" feed. Any claim attached to a feed must be properly substantiated. Dietetic feed must be included on a list of evaluated intended uses.

The draft regulation transfers the initiative for updating the European Union’s list of feed materials, specifying the most relevant compounds used in feed, from the legislator to feed producers.

There will be a ‘Community Catalogue’ of feed materials which will take into account the fact that feed producers, in cooperation with feed users, are better at prioritising the need for specification of the products they deal with.

Thus, market transparency will be improved, because the list of feed materials will better reflect current formulations and more quickly incorporate innovations such as co-products from biofuel production.

Further Reading

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