Requirements for Bird Flu Contingency Plan

UK - Assured Chicken Producers (ACP) has reminded its members that from 1 April 2008, each poultry premise should have a contingency plan on avian influenza. ACP offers a guide to the points that should be covered in the plan.
calendar icon 11 February 2009
clock icon 3 minute read

From 1 April 2008, Assured Chicken Producers says each premise (farm, hatchery, etc) should have had a contingency plan on Avian Influenza (Notifiable Disease).

The Technical Advisory Committee has provided the following guide to the points to be included in such a contingency plan:

  1. Awareness of how Avian Influenza (AI) can enter the farm and measures to prevent this, e.g. using good biosecurity.
  2. Recognition by all stockmen on the farm of the signs that could result in a suspicion of a notifiable disease. (Note that avian influenza and Newcastle disease are both notifiable and the signs can often be similar.)
  3. Immediate notification of the nominated veterinarian if these signs are recognised.
  4. Mechanisms to stop all movements on and off farm including poultry, people, equipment and vehicles, if AI is suspected, until a veterinary investigation has been completed and the farm is either given the all-clear or an official investigation enforces movement controls. Sick birds must not be sent for slaughter.
  5. A list of key contacts and a communication strategy should a notifiable disease be suspected. This list should include at least the nominated veterinarian; company contact details where the produce (chicks, eggs or birds for processing) is destined and the local animal health office. The location of the site (grid reference) and site plan must be available within the plan.
  6. Awareness of the human health concerns with avian influenza and of measures to be taken to protect workers on the farm.
  7. Provision for hard standing, electricity and water should a disease control cull be necessary.

Further Reading

- You can visit the Avian Flu page by clicking here.
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