Get a Six Pack with a Six Pack of Eggs!
UK - Eating eggs can give you a great 'beach-ready' body, says the British Egg Information Service.With summer fast approaching, the idea of getting a beach-ready body in time might send some of us straight to the biscuit tin. But instead of reaching for the closest chocolate digestive, you should be reaching for the nearest carton of eggs.
Muscle growth goals can only be achieved if your diet provides sufficient energy and protein, and eggs contain the highest-quality protein – setting the standard by which other proteins are judged.
Sports nutritionist, Jane Griffin, stated: "Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available on supermarket shelves, giving your body a wealth of vitamins and minerals without a high calorific content. Their satiating quality and in-built portion control make them the obvious choice for anyone wanting to shed a few pounds before baring their body, and with research finally confirming that eggs have a negligible effect on blood cholesterol, you can eat them every day without worry."
Eggs may be high in protein, but fortunately they are not high in calories, with only around 80 kcals per medium egg. And the latest research shows that they can help you feel fuller for longer, helping to stave off those snack attacks. Two separate studies have found that women who ate an egg-based breakfast consumed less calories throughout the rest of the day and lost more weight than those who were given a breakfast of equal calories that did not contain eggs. If you want to look svelte when you strip off this summer, you cannot beat an egg-based breakfast.