Nigerian Poultry Operators Discuss US Feed Grains
NIGERIA - A team of 11 Nigerian feedmillers and poultry operators traveled to the United States this week to attend a poultry management and grain pelleting workshop at the International Grains Program at Kansas State University.With Nigeria’s recently waived ban on corn and sorghum imports, it is likely to begin importing these US feed grains soon. The Agricultural Attaché reports Nigeria will likely import 300,000 metric tons (11.8 million bushels) of corn from the United States this year.
According to the Council, the most promising opportunities in Nigeria for US corn and sorghum are within the poultry industry. Currently, some poultry producers use other, more costly feed ingredients in their ration, which raises matters of availability and consistency of quality.
This course taught participants about the application of US products in poultry rations and how it compares to their current production practices. The team was also introduced to US grain exporters to discuss import constraints and opportunities.