Hatchery Workshops a Big Hit with Customers
GLOBAL - Aviagen recently continued their ongoing hands-on training programme for Central and Eastern European customers with a series of hatchery workshops in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.Targeting hatchery personnel and breeder farm managers from major customers in the region, the events provided helpful and practical advice to ensure hatchery performance is maximised.
The presenters, Dr Steve Tullet, Hatchery Consultant and Timea Torma, Hatchery Specialist for the region, led practical demonstrations for the delegates. The sessions started with a demonstration of the techniques and tools available to assess fertility in fresh eggs. This was followed by a workshop focusing on candling and the examination of hatch debris to determine the embryonic mortality pattern. The day concluded with a discussion on the causes of embryonic mortality and the actions required to make improvements.

Neil Clark, Technical Service Manager, commented: "Being able to call on the expertise of specialists like Steve and Timea is one of the benefits we bring to our customers. These seminars demonstrate our ongoing commitment to our customers, aimed at ensuring the excellent performance levels of Ross birds are being achieved at all levels of the production process. These workshops gave valuable advice on hatchery related topics but also reinforced the importance of the link between production and the hatchery."
Pavel Hojgr, Production Director of XAVERgen, one of Aviagen's customers in the Czech Republic, provided an insight into what he learned from the seminar.
He said: "I attended the seminar on 13th October, which was organised by Aviagen in the meeting room of our modern hatchery in Habry. I have to admit that I haven't seen such an exciting presentation for a long time! Studying the conditions in the incubators and setters and their influence on the hatchery results was really helpful as were the practical demonstrations made by Steve Tullet. I'm sure that most of our farm managers could gather many new experiences and knowledge from the meeting."
Jonny Harrison, Regional Technical Director, summarised: "Our team has been very active in organising events with practical sessions and visual and novel training methods to help our customers gain the maximum potential from their birds. We realise how important it is to actually demonstrate learning points and show results in an open and friendly environment where customers can get to meet the Aviagen team and ask questions as they arise. We are committed to an interesting and valuable training programme in the region and have many exciting events planned for 2010."