Deadline Approaches for EPC 2010 Abstracts
FRANCE - The closing date for abstract submissions for the European Poultry Conference (EPC 2010) is 31 January. The conference will take place in Tours on 23 to 27 August 2010.The French Organizing Committee, the International Scientific Committee and the French branch of WPSA are pleased to invite you to the XIIIth European Poultry Conference in Tours, France.
The multidisciplinary programme of EPC 2010 will address a wide range of subjects, including economics, education, nutrition, environment, production system, product quality and safety, genetics, reproduction, welfare, behaviour and bird health – all while looking forward toward sustainable poultry production.
For further information on submitting an abstract, technical tours or the provisional scientific programme, visit the EPC 2010 web site [click here].
For information on how to register for EPC 2010, click here. The deadline for 'early bird' discount registration is 25 February 2010.