More Pigs, Poultry in Croatia But Fewer Cattle

CROATIA - Provisional results of a December 2009 census reveal the numbers of pigs and poultry have increased compared to the previous year, while numbers of cattle, sheep and goats were down.
calendar icon 18 February 2010
clock icon 3 minute read

The Central Bureau of Statistics reports that, in comparison to the previous year, the numbers of cattle decreased by two per cent, sheep by four per cent and goats by 10 per cent, while the total numbers of pigs and poultry increased by 13 per cent and seven per cent, respectively.

The Bureau comments that the figures are part of the process to harmonise statistical standards of the Republic of Croatia with those of the EU so an additional first release on previous data on the number of livestock and poultry will be introduced this year. The provisional results reported here may be updated at that time.

Animal numbers in Croatia
(thousand head)
1 Dec 2008 1 Dec 2009 Index 2009 vs. 2008
CATTLE - TOTAL 454 447 98
Young cattle under 1 year old 141 134 95
- Calves for slaughter 18 20 111
- Other, female 49 46 94
- Other, male 74 68 92
Cattle between 1 and 2 years old 62 72 116
- Heifers 26 31 119
- Heifers, for slaughter 5 8 160
- Male 31 33 106
Cattle of 2 years and over 251 241 96
- Heifers 22 15 68
- Heifers, for slaughter 1 1 100
- Cows (including those that are under 2 years) – total 226 223 99
-- Dairy cows 213 211 99
-- Other cows 13 12 92
Other (bulls, bullocks) 2 2 100
PIGS - TOTAL 1,104 1,250 113t
Piglets under 20 kg 285 343 120
Pigs from 20 to 50 kg 283 297 105
Fattening pigs (including culled ones) 374 442 118
- 50 to 80 kg 165 233 141
- 80 to 110 kg 123 100 81
- Over 110 kg 86 109 127
Breeding pigs 162 168 104
- Gilts 19 18 95
- Mated gilts 9 11 122
- Sows 96 96 100
- Mated sows 33 39 118
- Boars 5 4 80
POULTRY - TOTAL 10,015 10,692 107
Chickens (broilers) 2,282 3,106 136
Hens 6,727 6,624 98
Turkeys 577 582 101
Geese 57 61 108
Ducks 184 183 99
Other poultry 188 136 72
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