Registration Opens for IEC Paris 2010
FRANCE - Registration is now open for the International Egg Commission (IEC) Paris 2010 Conference on 11 to 13 April.The IEC is delighted to confirm that Dr Bernard Vallat, the Director General of the OIE, will be speaking at the IEC Paris 2010 Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity for IEC delegates to meet one of the most influential people regarding international standard setting within our industry. Make sure that you are part of IEC Paris 2010 and book your place now.
The meeting will be in one of Europe's largest egg-producing countries. France has over 44 million layers, producing over 900,000 tonnes of shell eggs and more than 200,000 tonnes of processed egg products every year, and more than 50 representatives from leading egg processing and egg production facilities throughout France are expected to attend this event.
This is a unique opportunity to meet with other egg industry leaders and decision makers, and we hope that you will seize this chance to meet and forge contacts with some of the major egg companies within France.
Register now and book your place at the IEC Paris 2010 Conference by clicking here.