Import Tax Cut to Benefit Dominican Farmers

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Customs director, Rafael Camilo, says the 50 per cent reduction on import fees for poultry and pig farmers seeks to protect those sectors and lead to lower prices of important staples for the Dominican population.
calendar icon 2 March 2010
clock icon 2 minute read

“We’ve applied a 50 per cent reduction in tariff payments on imports of raw materials and machinery used to produce chicken and pork, as well as eggs, as a way to reduce production costs and maintain the local market prices on those mass consumption items," he said.

According to Dominican Today, Mr Camilo, speaking Monday in a gathering of Cibao region poultry and pork farmers in the town Licey, Santiago, said with the measure, the government aims to protect not just producers, but also the food production for the population.

“We have reached an agreement through the route of the value, to help in the payment of the import and other taxes, for which we are taking this administrative measure," he said.

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