Paragon Boosts Bangladesh Layer Sector

BANGLADESH - Paragon, the country's leading broiler integration, is launching a new venture under the name of Paragon Agro Limited. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Paragon Group, Paragon Agro Limited, headed by Yasmin Rahman, has invested in the first Novogen layer GP farm and hatchery in the country, to produce, market and distribute both brown and white layer parent stock (PS).
calendar icon 21 April 2010
clock icon 3 minute read

According to Paragon Group managing director, Moshiur Rahman, the availability of locally produced layer PS will lower egg prices in Bangladesh, boosting demand by a significant 35 to 40 per cent, while the availability of layer PS will reduce the country's current dependency on imports.

Moshiur Rahman, Managing Director of Paragon

For the new grand parent (GP) hatchery, Paragon has again chosen to work with leading Dutch hatchery technology company, Pas Reform. "We have enjoyed a highly professional and productive relationship with the engineering and commercial departments of Pas Reform over the years," he says, "resulting in superior technical hatching results, both in our broiler GP hatchery and in our latest broiler hatchery.

"The Smart incubators, hatchers and hatchery climate control systems supplied by Pas Reform have proven their superior performance under Bangladesh conditions. Week on week, the quality of the chicks produced from these Smart machines reflects in our customers' satisfaction with the quality of the day old chicks delivered by Paragon.

"For us, the decision to use Smart technologies in the new layer GP hatchery was an easy one to make."

Zahid Islam, representative for Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies in Bangladesh and Dr Tan Ee Seng, director Asia for Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies, visited Paragon in Bangladesh recently to finalise plans for the new hatchery and discuss training requirements for Paragon Agro personnel, which will be delivered at Pas Reform Academy, in the Netherlands.

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