Young Talent Shone Through at APSS
AUSTRALIA - Judges were unanimous in their choice of Navaporn Chauynarong as best presenter at the post-graduate presentations during the Australian Poultry Science Symposium held in Sydney.
Photo: Poultry Digest
The Poultry CRC Award for the best oral presentation by a postgraduate student at APSS went to Navaporn Chauynarong, a PhD student in the School of Environmental and Rural Sciences (Poultry Nutrition) at the University of New England, according to the latest EChook News.
Navaporn received the most votes for her presentation 'Optimum level of cassava pulp in diets for layers'. She collected a certificate and the A$500 prize, which she plans to put towards her travel expenses for her next poultry conference in France.
Ms Navaporn earned her science degree majoring in animal husbandry from Thailand's Kasetsart University. She then travelled to Japan after winning a scholarship from the Tokyo University of Agriculture where she spent two months training in agriculture.
In 2007, before arriving at the University of New England, Ms Navaporn worked for a year as a researcher at the Alltech Bioscience Center in Thailand. She also has experience in layer farm management through the family business in Thailand. Her current research interests include poultry nutrition and cassava.