AgroFarm 2010: Over 200 Exhibitors from 19 Countries
RUSSIA - AgroFarm, the international exhibition for animal husbandry and breeding, is being held in Moscow for the fourth time from 26 to 28 May 2010.With over 200 exhibitors from 19 countries, the organisers DLG International, a subsidiary of the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society), and Agricultural Sector of AREC (Moscow) report excellent stand booking results.
The internationally leading companies in the fields of cattle, pig and poultry will be presenting both their latest and classic exhibits as well as modern genetics at the VVC site (All-Russian Exhibition Centre). In addition, the presentation of breeding stock on stands in the animal hall will provide a compact overview of the genetic material to be found in top animals from Russia and other countries. There will also be daily live demonstrations of "professional milking" and relating to questions of "cow care". A flanking technical programme will address themes of particular current interest in Russia’s animal husbandry. This makes AgroFarm 2010 the main information platform for current trends and future questions for Russian animal farmers this year. The exhibition is officially supported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. The German contingent is particularly strong this year with 30 exhibitors in the German Pavilion.
Favourable auspices – Russia's animal husbandry experiences upswing
The auspices are excellent for AgroFarm 2010. Animal husbandry is currently going through a boom phase in Russia. The Russian Government is perceptibly displaying its sustainable support for the industry this year by assisting dairy cattle, beef cattle and pig farmers as well as poultry farmers, primarily via government financing options. Over 220 projects are to be promoted with a loan volume of some 165 billion roubles. In addition red tape hampering imports of breeding animals has been cut, and trade and customs obstacles are being dismantled. Some 30,000 breeding cattle as well as equipment for 65,000 animal places to be newly built or modernised are to be leased within the national development programme for 2010. This is also confirmed by leading companies, who report growing demand since the beginning of 2010, especially for modern animal housing and feeding concepts and for milking machinery and equipment.
Internationally-oriented technical programme with over 30 special events
At the practice-driven technical events targeting an international public at AgroFarm 2010, Russian, European and North American experts will be discussing topical issues in the fields of cattle, pig, poultry and rabbit husbandry. The technical programme will open on 26 May with a business dialogue on the subject "Interactions between state and industry and their influence on the development of animal production in Russia". At the end of January 2010, the Russian President Medvedev signed the "Food Security Doctrine" that plans to increase self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs to 80 to 95 % and to promote dairy and meat production in Russia. Good cooperation between the government, banks, meat and milk producers and suppliers of machinery and equipment for animal husbandry, farm inputs and genetic material is necessary to achieve this goal in a manageable period. The business dialogue will bring all key market partners together to discuss the existing frameworks, factors promoting further development of animal production in Russia, conflicts of interest and possible solutions.
Focus on cattle
The Forum for cattle farmers will explore business management aspects of cattle husbandry, such as establishing modern technologies in practice, efficient beef production, and all aspects of cattle breeding including reproduction of cattle stocks, breeding programmes to improve cattle fattening and dairy production performance, the introduction of new breeds into existing stocks and the use of imported genetic material. Interest will also be concentrated on the prospect of milk processing and marketing cooperatives in Russia.
Focus on pigs
The forum for pig farmers will discuss topics such as management and information systems in piggeries, modern processes for improving sow reproduction, increasing piglet weight, optimising housing climate and efficient pig fattening with the aid of high performance genetics and modern feedstuffs. Further development steps and improved cooperation between the newly established, promoted breeding centres and pig farmers will be discussed at a "round table" where Russian and European pig breeders will share experiences.
Focus on poultry
This year AgroFarm will spotlight keeping conditions for poultry species new to Russia, including turkeys and ostriches. The Russian association of turkey farmers is organising a conference on approaches and development perspectives for turkey farming. An event on the potential of ostrich husbandry will be held with the support of Ministry of Agriculture. A further important topic for poultry farmers, "Modern incubation methods", will be taken up at a workshop organised by the Russian Poultry Union.
Special show Animal technology for smallholdings
Smallholding structures play a key role in Russian animal husbandry, accounting as they do for 48 per cent of beef production and 56 per cent of dairy production. AgroFarm 2010 will address the various promotion programmes adopted in recent years to develop small farms in rural areas. For the first time a special area will be set aside to give exhibitors the opportunity to present special offerings for small farms, supplemented by many technical events. These events will discuss in detail issues such as cooperation arrangements for marketing and processing, management issues and organisation of labour, new lines of business for smaller farms (rabbit and ostrich husbandry).
Job market
A job market will also be organised at AgroFarm 2010 where companies can enter their vacancies. University graduates and young specialists can also present their applications directly in the "marketplace".
Participation in AgroFarm 2010 events is free of charge. However, for organisational reasons prior registration is desired. There will be simultaneous Russian/English interpreting at some events.