Pluck Shop Poultry Prices Keep Fluttering

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO - Pluck shop operators want a meeting with Agriculture Minister Vasant Bharath to discuss stabilising the price of locally raised poultry.
calendar icon 21 June 2010
clock icon 2 minute read

According to Guardian, head of the T&T Pluck Shop Association, Rasheed Karim is claiming that in the last week the price of chicken went up by more than 25 cents from $4.90 to $5.25 and in some cases $5.50 per pound for live birds.

Mr Karim says he wants Bharath to do some investigation and come up with a way of regularising prices or probably instituting some measure of price control for fresh birds. Speaking with the media yesterday at his Chaguanas shop, Karim said consumers were the ones to fork out more cash.

He said it was time that the government, through the Food Production Ministry, hold dialogue with all stake holders in the poultry industry to look at ways to control gluts and give consumers fair prices year round. Karim said last week a five pound bird was retailing at $33 but would this week sell at between $35 and $37.

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