First National Symposium for WPSA Algerian Branch
ALGERIA - During 2010, the Algerian Branch organized its first national Symposium on Poultry Science in collaboration with the University of Batna.
The symposium was held on 9 to 11 November 2010 at the University of Batna. The symposium brought together groups of Algerian scientists, researchers, practitioners in the field of poultry science, as well as a number of invited researchers from France, Morocco and Tunisia. Three hundred individuals participated in the symposium and more than 60 communications were presented and discussed related to the following six scientific themes: economy and poultry farming practice; poultry feeding and nutrition; prophylaxis and pathology; poultry farming and the environment; hygiene and quality of the poultry products and biology, reproduction and selection.
The branch gives special thanks to the president of the university and the local authorities for their kind help and support and to all persons who participated in the success of this event and we look forward to organise future regional and international meetings.