Armenian Antitrust Report on Egg Companies Imminent
ARMENIA - The antitrust commission is to release results of monitoring of Lusakert poultry factory soon.Armenian Commission for Protection of Economic Competition will release the results of the monitoring of Lusakert poultry factory on 12 March, the press office of the commission reported yesterday, 29 March, reports ARKA.
On the eve of Christmas holidays, egg prices in Armenia surged from 55-60 drams (AMD) to AMD 140 drams each.
Egg producers explained that price hike by egg shortage caused by insufficient numbers of laying hens. They said then that hens had been destroyed in the summer after a precipitous fall in egg prices from AMD40-50 to AMD10 each.
In December 2010, the antitrust commission started monitoring things at the egg market. The commission launched an administrative procedure against Lusakert poultry farm.
There are six poultry farms in Armenia – Yerevan Poultry, Lusakert poultry farm, Arzni Pedigree Chicken Farm, Arax poultry, Ashtarak and Harutyun poultry farms – which account for 95 per cent of the market. According to ARKA, Lusakert's share in the market is 26 per cent.