Big Year Ahead for Poultry Industry
AUSTRALIA - The first edition of eChook for 2012 invites all Poultry Hub readers to major events across the 2012 calendar year.Australian Poultry Science Symposium (APSS)
19th to 22nd February, 2012 - Veterinary Science Conference Centre, University of Sydney, Australia
The Poultry Research Foundation (PRF), in conjunction with World?s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), Australian Branch, cordially invites you to the 23rd Australian Poultry Science Symposium. The Australian Poultry Science Symposium is the premier avian science conference in Australia, attracting delegates from Asia, Australasia, the Americas and Europe. The 2012 meeting has a strong line-up of invited speakers, relevant content and an enjoyable social program. The Poultry CRC is delighted to be a Gold Sponsor of the 23rd APSS and we look forward to seeing you there!
Major themes
- A 'mythbusters' approach to feed additives
- Conventional compared with free-range poultry production
Hot topics
- Recent research in laying hen nutrition and market trends
- Retailer pressure on poultry production and impact on market dynamics
Invited speakers
Dr. Mamduh Sifri, Prof. Birger Svihus, Dr. Mike Bedford, Dr. Juha Apalajahti, Prof. Michael Kidd, Dr. Michael Elliot, Prof. Bob Pym, Dr. Brooke Humphrey, Dr. Ian Lean, Dr. Nan-Dirk Mulder, Dr. Greg Siragusa, Mr. James Kellaway
For more information please contact: Tel: +61 2 9351 1656
Email: [email protected]
Innovations in Egg Utilisation Research and Development Forum (Banff Egg Forum) 2012
28 to 30th March 2012 - Banff Park Lodge Hotel, Banff, Alberta, Canada
The Poultry Research Centre at the University of Alberta, Alberta Egg Producers and the University of Manitoba are pleased to announce Innovations in Egg Utilization Research and Development Forum that will take place from 28 to 30th of March 2012 in the beautiful Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada. The Forum will explore R&D opportunities, trends, innovations and the future of egg-product development.
The Banff Egg Forum 2012 will bring together industry experts and scientists from around the world. This international community will share knowledge on markets trends and new advancements in egg utilization and new innovations in science. Participants will share experiences in product development and marketing and explore opportunities in egg utilization and commercialisation. The Forum will develop shared views that will provide a future road map for scientists, managers, and entrepreneurs to ensure the progressive use of the egg's value.
For more information visit
To obtain password for registration please contact [email protected]
Poultry Information Exchange (PIX) 2012
20th-23rd May 2012 - Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast, Australia
PIX includes the industry's largest, most extensive trade exhibition in Australia, an exciting social program and numerous workshops, including the highly successful full-day tunnel ventilation workshop for broiler growers.
The comprehensive, world-class lecture program by renowned international and local speakers includes two days of meat chicken, egg and general industry presentations as well as sessions for breeder, hatchery, meat processing, free-range and organic production systems.
The lecture program continues for two days, filled with the latest in innovation and information, with experts from both Australia and overseas. The program is streamed into chicken meat, egg production, free range and organic, feed milling, and processing, so there will be topics of interest for each and every delegate. Workshops on numerous special interest areas, including hatchery, breeders and tunnel ventilation will also be on offer. For the more technically-minded, the Australasian Veterinary Poultry Association will be holding a scientific meeting in conjunction with PIX. All are welcome to attend this event.
For more information visit
XXIV World's Poultry Congress
5th to 9th August, 2012 - Bahia Convention Centre, Salvador, Brazil
Considered the most important global event focused on the dissemination of poultry science and technology, the 24th World's Poultry Congress (WPC 2012) will gather around 9,000 visitors, with 3,000 participants from all over the world. The Congress will be held at the Convention Center in the city of Salvador (Brazil).
The WPC 2012 will discuss important aspects of the meat and egg production chain, from the most elementary fields, live production (management, nutrition, health, environment, and animal welfare) to processing technologies and presentation of the final product.
Hundreds of scientific studies on different issues linked to poultry science, developed by researchers and students from universities and research centers from all continents, will be presented.
WPC 2012 will also have lectures by internationally renowned researchers and experts on poultry genetics, nutrition, health and management. In addition, hundreds of companies will show products with the most advanced technology to promote the development of production systems.
For more information visit