Illegal Chicken Farm in NSW to be Destroyed
NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA - An illegal chicken farm operating in northern New South Wales will be pulled down within days, after the owner failed to comply with court orders.Last December the NSW Land and Environment Court ruled that the 3,700 chickens and the sheds they were housed in were illegal.
According to ABC, no development application was lodged with the local council.
The court ordered the owner to remove the sheds but the owner hasn't complied.
Tweed Shire Council Mayor, Barry Longland, says the Council wants the sheds gone.
"I think they need to understand that Council has a duty of care to its ratepayers. That there are planning rules and those that want to engage in activities like this need to abide by the rules," he said.
"Council sent a strong message yesterday that it would stand behind the removal of these sheds so I'd say that would happen within days."