Cobb Global Animal Welfare Appointment
GLOBAL - Dr Kate Barger has been appointed director of world animal welfare for Cobb.Dr Barger received a veterinary medicine degree from North Carolina State University in 2002 and completed a one-year avian medicine specialty programme at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) as a Rotary International Scholar.

She began her career with Cobb as export manager in 2003 and two years later became manager of sales and technical service for the Mexico, Central America and Caribbean region. In 2009, she moved to the UK to support Cobb Europe as the company veterinarian and quality assurance manager, responsible for managing programs involving biosecurity, animal welfare and avian health.
In her new position Dr Barger will fulfill an internal role ensuring that Cobb farm and hatchery operations comply with all company and national legislative requirements for animal welfare, and she will also have a wider industry role.
She will be working with external researchers and allied industries to improve the understanding of the combined effect of genetics, environment and management on the bird’s well-being. She will also support customer needs in aspects of animal welfare and will work closely with company leaders to develop animal welfare guidelines and resource materials.