Layer Health, Welfare Discussion Meetings Imminent

UK - AssureWel has arranging discussion meetings for farmers on laying hen health and welfare in the coming weeks.
calendar icon 11 April 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

The AssureWel organisation holding meetings in the spring for laying hen farmers to discuss taking a bird–focused approach to optimise the health, welfare and overall efficiency of laying hen flocks.

The meetings will focus on the key findings from the University of Bristol Pecking Project, in which some farmers have taken part. The project has identified strategies for reducing the risk of injurious pecking and tested their effectiveness in commercial free-range laying hen flocks. This session will highlight the most important and effective things to do to help prevent injurious feather pecking in free-range flocks and also key things to consider if you see any problems starting.

The organisers will also be talking about the new animal-based welfare outcome assessment that has been incorporated into Freedom Food and Soil Association assessments, focussing on how this can be used to focus management strategies. There will be plenty of time for discussion and sharing of ideas and experiences of feather cover.

Meetings will be held in April in North Yorkshire (11th April, East Thirsk Community Hall, from 2.30pm), East Midlands (13th April, Sysonby Knoll Hotel, Melton Mowbray, from 2.30pm), Devon (18th April, Sutton Barton Corn Barn, Tiverton, from 2.30pm), and mid Wales (25th April, Severn Valleys Discussion Group, Pengethley Manor Hotel, Newtown area, 7pm for 7.30pm).

For more information on these meetings, click here.

However, if these areas are not convenient for you and you would be keen to have a meeting in your local area, please do get in touch with AssureWel. For further information or to request a meeting in your area, please contact the welfare outcomes Animal Welfare Advisor at [email protected].

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