Three LPAI Outbreaks in Jalisco

MEXICO - The Mexican veterinary authorities have reported three outbreaks of low pathogenic avian influenza across poultry farms in Jalisco.
calendar icon 25 June 2012
clock icon 2 minute read

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification on 21 June 2012.

Out of 1042039 susceptible birds, 587160 cases were reported. While 211242 deaths were recorded, 60000 birds were destroyed.

An epidemiological investigation is being conducted. The event includes 3 commercial layer farms. The birds showed: gasping, depression, lethargy, drooping wings, prostration, fever and death. The birds are 32, 72, 75, 84 and 94 weeks old.

Isolates are being tested by intravenous pathogenicity test to determine their pathogenicity and by gene sequencing. Epidemiological investigation is on-going to establish the extent of the problem and the source of infection in order to implement additional measures to rapidly resolve the problem.

Additional sampling is underway to identify the possible presence of other pathogens involved in the outbreaks.

Note by the OIE Animal Health Information Department: H5 and H7 avian influenza in its low pathogenic form in poultry is a notifiable disease as per Chapter 10.4. on avian influenza of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (2011).

The source of the outbreaks remains inconclusive.

Further Reading

You can visit the Avian Flu page by clicking here.
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