Poultry Groups Join Ag Coalition in Appealing NFPA 150 Amendments

US - US Poultry & Egg Association, National Chicken Council, National Turkey Federation and United Egg Producers joined a coalition of animal agriculture industry groups in appealing the 14 June 2012 decision of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to amend its 150 Standard for Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities.
calendar icon 12 July 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

The existing standard requires automatic fire sprinkler and smoke control systems for housing facilities containing Category A animals – those animals that pose a potential risk to the health or safety of rescuers or the general public, such as dangerous zoo animals. The NFPA amendment would require the installation of sprinkler and smoke control systems in animal housing facilities for Category B animals – defined as all animals not included in Category A - which would expand the standard to include poultry barns. A move that the coalition members believe failed to meet applicable due process standards and did not consider the biosecurity or thefinancial impact of the decision, NFPA’s full Technical Committee adopted a floor motion to amend the NFPA 150 standard.

The floor motion vote was approved despite an opposing position taken by the Technical Committee on Animal Housing Facilities, the group charged with evaluating the proposed amendment. The decision expands the requirement for sprinkler and smoke control systems in animal housing facilities from just those holding Category A animals, to also include facilities housing Category B animals.

This substantial expansion therefore covers far more animal housing facilities than had been previously covered, expanding NFPA 150 to cover nearly every single livestock farm in the United States. NFPA standards typically do not have the full effect of law but are often adopted in local and state building codes and by insurance companies and may become requirements to receive occupancy permits or purchase insurance.

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