USPOULTRY Releases ‘Poultry & The Hormone Myth’ Video

US - One of the most common.... and frustrating... questions for US poultry producers is why hormones are used to produce today’s poultry products. Of course, the actual answer is NO hormones are used. To address this continuing misinformation, US Poultry & Egg Association has prepared a new video to explain the scientific, economic and legal reasons hormones are not needed or used by the US poultry industry.
calendar icon 26 July 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

“USPOULTRY and our members recognize that often consumers have questions or concerns, and we must clearly communicate how we raise our birds,” said Paul Pressley, vice president of industry programs for USPOULTRY. “We want to thank Dr Susan Watkins of the Center of Excellence for Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas for her assistance in preparing the video and helping set the record straight.”

“USPOULTRY is providing a short and long version of the video. The short version is precise and gets to the gist of the video’s message quickly. We wanted to make sure that when a consumer does a web search on this topic, we have a short and concise video that dispels this false presumption. The long version provides more detail for those who are interested,” commented John Starkey, president of USPOULTRY.

“It is through funds generated by the International Poultry Expo (IPE) that USPOULTRY is able to develop these types of educational pieces. This video, along with the “Raising Chickens and Turkeys... For Today and Tomorrow” video, are only two recent examples of the IPE funds that have been funneled back into the industry over the years. We sincerely appreciate the support of our members and exhibitors that allows us to develop these types of educational pieces,” said Mark Waller, Ingram Farms, Cullman, AL, and chairman of US Poultry & Egg Association.

The video is viewable on USPOULTRY’s website. It can also be viewed on YouTube by clicking here and is being distributed to all USPOULTRY members as well. For additional information, contact Paul Pressley, Phone: (678) 514-1972; E-mail: [email protected].

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