New Hatchery in Cobb Española Expansion
SPAIN - With the Cobb500 enjoying its highest ever sales in Spain, Cobb Española is investing five million Euros this year in expanding hatchery and farm output.In the last six years, the franchise distributor has doubled sales to four million parents a year through gaining a bigger share of the market in Spain and Portugal and developing new markets in north Africa.

The newly opened hatchery at Dueñas in northern Spain has a capacity of more than five million breeder chicks per year and has been designed to allow for expansion to double this number.
The first opportunity for expanding production came in 2006 with the purchase of the former Hybro grandparent facilities 250km (156 miles) north of the Cobb Española's headquarters at Alcalá de Henares - months before the Hybro breed was acquired by Cobb-Vantress, Inc.
The acquisition by Cobb Española brought the Hybro hatchery at Dueñas and associated rearing and breeding farms. The company had to decide whether to continue with this and its existing hatchery at Alcalá del Henares - or invest in a brand new one.
"Although the investment was a little higher, we now have a great asset in the new hatchery that will benefit the future of our business," said general manager, Rafael Gil junior.
The new hatchery has 24 single-stage, two section setters and eight hatchers with stainless steel internal walls, and the latest energy-saving features including full heat recovery.
The increasing popularity of Cobb in Spain is because it suits all sectors of the production chain, added Mr Gil. "It's a balanced product that satisfies everyone from the breeder farmer to the processing plant."
The success is also reflected in North Africa. Cobb Española is selling more than one million parents per year to Morocco and Algeria where it has exclusive distribution rights.