Aviagen KFT Hosts First Ever Customer Seminar in Uzbekistan
UZBEKISTAN - Aviagen KFT’s Technical Team visited Uzbekistan recently to hold its first ever local seminar in the country, where it shared technical information on topics including biosecurity and parent stock management.The seminar was held at the Le Grande Plaza Hotel in Tashkent, where 50 people attended, including local customers and a representative of the local poultry association, Pulat Rahmatullaev, 1st deputy of Chairman Parrandasanoat.

Presentations were made by Dr Pavel Shkarlat, Poultry Veterinarian, as well as Peter Kuretchko, Technical Service Manager and Balazs Takacs, recently promoted General Manager of Aviagen KFT.
Balazs said: “Aviagen KFT was delighted to be able to host our first ever local seminar in Uzbekistan. It gave us a great platform in which to meet with our customers in what is a rapidly growing market and somewhere we have been exporting to for 10 years now.
“We understand that it can be difficult for our customers here to travel to our regular seminars in different locations and as part of our strategy to get closer to our customers we have wanted to hold a local event for some time. The seminar gave us an excellent chance to pass on technical information and spend some time talking and listening to our customers here.”
Following the seminar, customers were invited to a gala dinner and the Aviagen KFT team spent the rest of the week visiting some of their customers’ farms in the country.
Shuhrathodzha Nuritdinov, Head of Economy department at "Golden Wing” F.J.V. commented: “The seminar was extremely interesting and useful for us. We have big plans for the future where we aim to increase both parent stock and broiler production. Therefore the technical expertise covered at the seminar was very beneficial and we are grateful to Aviagen KFT and its speakers for making the trip to Uzbekistan and organising this event.”