Unusual Weather Reduces Mexican Feed Production
MEXICO - New marketing year (MY) 2012/13 corn production estimate has been revised downward from USDA/Official forecast due to smaller than previously estimated planted area and irregular weather conditions.The Post/New sorghum production estimate for MY 2012/13 has been revised downward to 6.4 million metric tons (MMT) from the USDA/Official estimate based on updated official data from the Mexican government.
The new total rice production estimate for MY 2012/13 (October to September) has been revised downward from USDA/Official estimates to 186,000 MT (rough production) reflecting the most recent data from SAGARPA and industry contacts.
The decrease in rough rice production is equivalent to 128,000 MT of milled rice. Essentially, rice output was decreased due to lower than expected planted area (8,000 ha).
Post's MY 2012/13 (July/June) wheat harvested area and production forecasts have been revised downward slightly from USDA/Official forecasts based on updated information from official GOM sources, which reflects lower than previously estimated planted area.
SAGARPA informed that for the fall/winter 2011/12 crop cycle, the planted area in Guanajuato, Michoacan and Jalisco was lower than
previously expected due irregular weather conditions. According to trade contacts, Mexico recently imported 90,000 MT of wheat from Russia to be used by the domestic wheat flour sector.
Further ReadingYou can view the full report by clicking here. |